The Province of St. Vincent Ferrer has successfully celebrated the 15th Provincial Chapter and 18th elective. The 19 delegates, composed of the outgoing provincial government and representatives from the communities in Taiwan, Guam, and China, participated in the Provincial Chapter, which occurs every three years. The chapter officially began on Thursday, July 4, and concluded two weeks later.
Fr. Jarvis Sy, OP, served as the invited assessor and adviser for the chapter. He also facilitated a three-day retreat from July 1-3, 2024. During this retreat, he led reflections on the Synodal path and shared mutually fruitful insights on various challenges, aspects of missionary work, and ways to be better witnesses. The chapter delegates had the duty to elect the Provincial Curia, composed of the Provincial Prioress, four counselors, the Provincial Econome, and the formator of novices. The Provincial Secretary was nominated by the Provincial Prioress and confirmed by the delegates. The delegates were divided into four commissions: Religious Life, Formation, Apostolate, and Government. These focused groups tackled specific issues, provided recommendations, formulated suggestions, and laid out norms to be implemented during the upcoming three-year term. These discussions were recorded in the Acts, and the Statutes of the province were also amended and updated. One of the first acts of the chapter was to check the testimonial letters of the delegates. These documents state that the delegate is duly elected or asked to attend by reason of her office. For many, it may seem like a formality since all knew one another, yet this simple act acknowledges the legitimacy of the delegate to represent her constituents and vote on their behalf. It also reflects the importance given by the Order/Institute to this hallowed exercise, which demands prudence and secrecy regarding the contents of the reports and deliberations. As per the custom of the Institute, on the third day, the delegates gathered to elect the Prioress Provincial for a term of three years. The traditional Mass of the Holy Spirit was celebrated to invoke its inspiration and guidance. After two weeks, the Chapter delegates approved all provisions of the acts of the chapter and the statutes, which will then be submitted to the Prioress General and Council for approval and ratification |
La Provincia de San Vicente Ferrer ha celebrado con éxito el 15º Capítulo Provincial y el 18º electivo. Las 19 delegadas, compuestas por el gobierno provincial saliente y representantes de las comunidades en Taiwán, Guam y China, participaron en el Capítulo Provincial, que se celebra cada tres años. El capítulo comenzó oficialmente el jueves 4 de julio y concluyó dos semanas después.
El P. Jarvis Sy, OP, fue el asesor e invitado del capítulo. También facilitó un retiro de tres días del 1 al 3 de julio de 2024. Durante este retiro, dirigió reflexiones sobre el camino sinodal y compartió ideas mutuamente fructíferas sobre diversos desafíos, aspectos del trabajo misionero y formas de ser mejores testigos. Las delegadas del capítulo tenían el deber de elegir la Curia Provincial, compuesta por la Priora Provincial, cuatro consejeras, la Ecónoma Provincial y la formadora de novicias. La Secretaria Provincial fue nominada por la Priora Provincial y confirmada por las delegadas. Las delegadas se dividieron en cuatro comisiones: Vida Religiosa, Formación, Apostolado y Gobierno. Estos grupos focalizados abordaron temas específicos, proporcionaron recomendaciones, formularon sugerencias y establecieron normas que se implementarán durante el próximo período de tres años. Estas discusiones se registraron en los Actos y los Estatutos de la provincia también fueron enmendados y actualizados. Uno de los primeros actos del capítulo fue verificar las cartas testimoniales de las delegadas. Estos documentos indican que la delegada ha sido debidamente elegida o invitada a asistir por razón de su cargo. Para muchas, puede parecer una formalidad, ya que todas se conocían, pero este simple acto reconoce la legitimidad de la delegada para representar a sus constituyentes y votar en su nombre. También refleja la importancia que la Orden/Instituto otorga a este ejercicio sagrado, que exige prudencia y secreto en cuanto al contenido de los informes y deliberaciones. Según la costumbre del Instituto, el tercer día, las delegadas se reunieron para elegir a la Priora Provincial por un período de tres años. Se celebró la tradicional Misa del Espíritu Santo para invocar su inspiración y guía. Después de dos semanas, las delegadas del Capítulo aprobaron todas las disposiciones de los actos del capítulo y los estatutos, que luego serán sometidos a la Priora General y al Consejo para su aprobación y ratificación. |
On July 6 the chapter delegates elected Sr. Cecilia Hsu,OP. as the
18th Prioress Provincial of the Province of St. Vincent Ferrer.
Her election was confirmed by the Prioress General and her Council.
On the 9th of July, 2024, Sr. Cecilia took her oath of office.
18th Prioress Provincial of the Province of St. Vincent Ferrer.
Her election was confirmed by the Prioress General and her Council.
On the 9th of July, 2024, Sr. Cecilia took her oath of office.
On the 12th of July the following Sisters were elected as Provincial Councilors.
Their election was confirmed by the General Council on the 14th of July.
Sor Flordeliza Ordonez First Counselor
Sor Teresita Su Second Counselor Sor Susana Predas Third Counselor and Secretary
Sor Daniela Pang Fourth Counselor and Formator
Sor Anita Ong Provincial Econome
Their election was confirmed by the General Council on the 14th of July.
Sor Flordeliza Ordonez First Counselor
Sor Teresita Su Second Counselor Sor Susana Predas Third Counselor and Secretary
Sor Daniela Pang Fourth Counselor and Formator
Sor Anita Ong Provincial Econome
Delegates to the 15th Provincial Chapter (18th elective)
By right: The Provincial Prioress and members of the Provincial Curia
CSVF, DIS Taipei, DIS Kaohsiung, SDSCH Barrigada were eligible to elect 2 delegates from their community.
Group A Taishan and Sisters in China
Group B 2 communities in Guam
Sor Teresita Su
Sor Sor Cecilia Hsu
Sor Flordelisa Ordonez
Sor Evelyn Quidoles
Sor Incarnata Chen
Sor Daniela Pang
Sor Susan Predas
Sor Cristeta Espinosa
Sor Ursula Apacionado
Sor Ann Egar
Sor Esperanza Seguban
Sor Anita Ong
Sor Teresita Lin
Sor Cecilia Chan
Sor Lorna Alamares
Sor Teresita Manaloto
Sor Eva Gamotin
Sor Jacqueline Manuel
Sor Jean Bergado
Homily of the Mass of the Holy Spirit (6 July 2024)
Fr. Jarvis Sy,OP
Dear sisters:
We are gathered once more to invoke the Holy Spirit as we are to celebrate one of the most important highlights of the Provincial Chapter: the election of the Prioress Provincial. This has been the tradition of the Order and of course of your Institute, to invite the Holy Spirit to assist each delegate to chose the one who is to lead the Province for the coming three years. Today, we have chosen the Gospel from John (20: 19-23), specificially his narrative on the Resurrection. It is a very moving narrative and is one of my favorites.
On the dusk of Sunday, the disciples cuddled themselves in the upper room with doors close shut and the windows shut for fear of the Jews as they believed after putting to death their Master, his disciples will be rounded up and suffer the same fate.. they were afraid and hid themselves to survive. They were also troubled... early that morning they heard troubling news from the womenfolk: as they went to prepare the body of the Lord, they found out that it had disappeared; two of this disciples also went to see for themselves and they confirmed the news of the women: they only say an empty tomb, the shroud laid about and the kerchief covering the face of the Master was on the opposite side…And then perhaps awhile ago to disciples who had left Jerusalem for the nearby village of Emmaus ran like frenzy to report to the rest what had just happened: they recognized the Master at the breaking of the bread. And perhaps as they were speaking and discussing about the Master, lo and behold appeared Jesus in their midst, note that He was able to enter the upper room even though the doors were locked and the windows shut. The sight of the Master in their midst, filled them with joy.. and Jesus proceeded in showing the wounds of His body and bestowing to them the Easter gift of peace.
We are like the apostles, we are afraid, as the challenges are overwhelming and the difficulties mounting for us; we enclose ourselves in our own “upper rooms” to feel safe hoping that the problems might just disappear from sight… and all will be well.But when Jesus appeared in glory, like the apostles we are filled with joy for just like His Resurrected body could pass through closed doors and bolted windows, Jesus presence seemed to dissipate all the mounting problems troubling us, for His sends His peace. Note that in the passage Christ repeated the greeting peace be with you… for it is not only a Jewish greeting but today His wish becomes a reality, He truly gives HIS PEACE to His disciples and this same peace to each and every one of us.
Immediately, exhaled His breath to them and entrusted them the mandate to continue His work of salvation. This is perhaps quite particular of John since he did not prolong the glorification of Jesus by dividing the Resurrection and the Ascension, but just as what we have read in the first inaugural Mass of the Holy Spirit of the Chapter, the Holy Spirit will be send to us when Jesus is glorified. Jesus’ death on the cross and His Resurrection for John is the moment of His glorification, and consequently the Spirit is immediately sent to the disciples.
The disciples were not only filled with the Spirit to be filled with joy and heavenly bliss, aside from these, they were entrusted with a task which we continue to do as a Church, as Christian believers and as consecrated persons: evangelization. This task is not a tedious obligation forced on us but a special grace, a privilege so to say in sharing and extending the work Jesus even to our times. It is indeed the Holy Spirit Who renews and recreates. It is the Holy Spirit Who makes us capable of thinking outside the square where we will be able to find new and fresh ways of bringing our work to fruition. It is the Holy Spirit Who inspires and Who prods us to be faithful yet filled with creative sense to find new ways to fulfill our mission and realize our vision.
Today we invoke the Holy Spirit to inspire us to chose who will lead us. And yet, let me remind you that our superiors in the Dominican tradition is quite different from those of other religious families and how the world comprehend leadership and authority.
It should be reminded that the term “priorissa” applied to our superiors whether she may be the General, the Provincial or the Vicarial head, is in reality “the first among equals”. Although her leadership and organizational skill are important for the daily running of the institute, each member, each delegate also has an importance in making the decisions of the chapter a reality. Thus aside from the importance laid in the election; far more important would the constant conversations in the commissions where problems are identified and solutions sought.
Thus we ask the Holy Spirit not only to inspire us for the election but to stay with us in our deliberations, in the redacting of the final documents, the conversations in the assembly seeking the consensus and the path that the Province had to proceed. Together. To be together as one cohesive body, is not mere proceeding together; prior to this, there should be who had reached the Augustinian ideal of “one heart and one mind” in the Lord’s service. This unanimity is based none other the real and authentic praxis of charity. And in the end, this shall be the sole reason to overcome all challenges.
We do not elect the Prioress Provincial and after the chapter list all what she had to do to solve the problem; if we return to our communities, indifferent and concerned only with what we have on our plates to find survival, then our efforts in celebrating the chapter is in vain and useless. In the end all desires for renewal would come into nothing because they might be lofty and inspiring on paper, but not one decision was placed into action.
The chapter continues, the spirit of renewal should spead like wildfire to each delegate, to each of her community, their diverse ministries and to those whom we serve. And thus we can be in the end agents of renewal in our local churches.
In our desire for renewal, let us not forget the Church where we are part of: the local Church where we serve and give witness. At times we are so immersed with ourselves that we have not fathom that our institute, our problems and challenges are part of the big picture, any decision and action taken has a repercussion whether it may be direct or indirect to the Church in general.
Today we ask the Holy Spirit to come, nay, to bathe all of us with His light, enkindle, nay, to burn with great passion our hearts so that after the election, the Spirit would continue to direct us and show us the way that God may find delight in. And I pray that the immense joy we experience when we meet the Resurrected Lord would remain and confirmed by the Spirit Who shall also bestow us that joy to serve Him in fidelity and love for ever.
Fr. Jarvis Sy,OP
Dear sisters:
We are gathered once more to invoke the Holy Spirit as we are to celebrate one of the most important highlights of the Provincial Chapter: the election of the Prioress Provincial. This has been the tradition of the Order and of course of your Institute, to invite the Holy Spirit to assist each delegate to chose the one who is to lead the Province for the coming three years. Today, we have chosen the Gospel from John (20: 19-23), specificially his narrative on the Resurrection. It is a very moving narrative and is one of my favorites.
On the dusk of Sunday, the disciples cuddled themselves in the upper room with doors close shut and the windows shut for fear of the Jews as they believed after putting to death their Master, his disciples will be rounded up and suffer the same fate.. they were afraid and hid themselves to survive. They were also troubled... early that morning they heard troubling news from the womenfolk: as they went to prepare the body of the Lord, they found out that it had disappeared; two of this disciples also went to see for themselves and they confirmed the news of the women: they only say an empty tomb, the shroud laid about and the kerchief covering the face of the Master was on the opposite side…And then perhaps awhile ago to disciples who had left Jerusalem for the nearby village of Emmaus ran like frenzy to report to the rest what had just happened: they recognized the Master at the breaking of the bread. And perhaps as they were speaking and discussing about the Master, lo and behold appeared Jesus in their midst, note that He was able to enter the upper room even though the doors were locked and the windows shut. The sight of the Master in their midst, filled them with joy.. and Jesus proceeded in showing the wounds of His body and bestowing to them the Easter gift of peace.
We are like the apostles, we are afraid, as the challenges are overwhelming and the difficulties mounting for us; we enclose ourselves in our own “upper rooms” to feel safe hoping that the problems might just disappear from sight… and all will be well.But when Jesus appeared in glory, like the apostles we are filled with joy for just like His Resurrected body could pass through closed doors and bolted windows, Jesus presence seemed to dissipate all the mounting problems troubling us, for His sends His peace. Note that in the passage Christ repeated the greeting peace be with you… for it is not only a Jewish greeting but today His wish becomes a reality, He truly gives HIS PEACE to His disciples and this same peace to each and every one of us.
Immediately, exhaled His breath to them and entrusted them the mandate to continue His work of salvation. This is perhaps quite particular of John since he did not prolong the glorification of Jesus by dividing the Resurrection and the Ascension, but just as what we have read in the first inaugural Mass of the Holy Spirit of the Chapter, the Holy Spirit will be send to us when Jesus is glorified. Jesus’ death on the cross and His Resurrection for John is the moment of His glorification, and consequently the Spirit is immediately sent to the disciples.
The disciples were not only filled with the Spirit to be filled with joy and heavenly bliss, aside from these, they were entrusted with a task which we continue to do as a Church, as Christian believers and as consecrated persons: evangelization. This task is not a tedious obligation forced on us but a special grace, a privilege so to say in sharing and extending the work Jesus even to our times. It is indeed the Holy Spirit Who renews and recreates. It is the Holy Spirit Who makes us capable of thinking outside the square where we will be able to find new and fresh ways of bringing our work to fruition. It is the Holy Spirit Who inspires and Who prods us to be faithful yet filled with creative sense to find new ways to fulfill our mission and realize our vision.
Today we invoke the Holy Spirit to inspire us to chose who will lead us. And yet, let me remind you that our superiors in the Dominican tradition is quite different from those of other religious families and how the world comprehend leadership and authority.
It should be reminded that the term “priorissa” applied to our superiors whether she may be the General, the Provincial or the Vicarial head, is in reality “the first among equals”. Although her leadership and organizational skill are important for the daily running of the institute, each member, each delegate also has an importance in making the decisions of the chapter a reality. Thus aside from the importance laid in the election; far more important would the constant conversations in the commissions where problems are identified and solutions sought.
Thus we ask the Holy Spirit not only to inspire us for the election but to stay with us in our deliberations, in the redacting of the final documents, the conversations in the assembly seeking the consensus and the path that the Province had to proceed. Together. To be together as one cohesive body, is not mere proceeding together; prior to this, there should be who had reached the Augustinian ideal of “one heart and one mind” in the Lord’s service. This unanimity is based none other the real and authentic praxis of charity. And in the end, this shall be the sole reason to overcome all challenges.
We do not elect the Prioress Provincial and after the chapter list all what she had to do to solve the problem; if we return to our communities, indifferent and concerned only with what we have on our plates to find survival, then our efforts in celebrating the chapter is in vain and useless. In the end all desires for renewal would come into nothing because they might be lofty and inspiring on paper, but not one decision was placed into action.
The chapter continues, the spirit of renewal should spead like wildfire to each delegate, to each of her community, their diverse ministries and to those whom we serve. And thus we can be in the end agents of renewal in our local churches.
In our desire for renewal, let us not forget the Church where we are part of: the local Church where we serve and give witness. At times we are so immersed with ourselves that we have not fathom that our institute, our problems and challenges are part of the big picture, any decision and action taken has a repercussion whether it may be direct or indirect to the Church in general.
Today we ask the Holy Spirit to come, nay, to bathe all of us with His light, enkindle, nay, to burn with great passion our hearts so that after the election, the Spirit would continue to direct us and show us the way that God may find delight in. And I pray that the immense joy we experience when we meet the Resurrected Lord would remain and confirmed by the Spirit Who shall also bestow us that joy to serve Him in fidelity and love for ever.