通 功 代 禱
道明傳教修女會 凃欲修女 聖名小德蘭, 慟於主曆2025年1月16日 午時12:07分, 在道明傳教修女會靜修會院 蒙主恩召, 享年89歲. 凃德蘭修女1936年12月17日 生於彰化縣西螺 ;1956年8月進入修會保守期 1959年2月28日於高雄發初願 ;1962年於8月8日於高雄誓發終身願. 曾經服務於台北靜修女中宿舍舍監. 主教座堂. 台北道明外僑學校. 台南崇愛醫院. 屏東三地門少女城. 高雄道明外僑等 所有修會在台灣會省的使徒事工, 她都樂意且盡心接受修會的派遣. 是一位熱情.善於與教內外人士傳福音的可愛又美麗的修女. 再遠的路.再難的工作為她都有貴人和聖母媽媽的助佑. 我們將於1月18日(週六)下午3:30 於台北市民生西路239號 靜修會院舉行殯葬彌撒.告別禮. 並於次日1月19日(週日) 9:00骨灰將移往高雄高松墓園安奉於道明傳教修女會會祠. 懇請主內的兄弟姊妹.神長.修女們於主前代禱. 祈求仁慈的天主接納 凃德蘭修女的靈魂安息主懷. |
Sister Teresa Tu, of the Religious Missionaries of St. Dominic, passed away peacefully at 12:07 PM on January 16, 2025, at the age of 89.
Born Teresa Tu on December 17, 1936, in Xiluo, Changhua County, Taiwan, she entered the novitiate of the Dominican Sisters in August 1956. She professed her first vows in Kaohsiung on February 28, 1959, and her perpetual vows in the same city on August 8, 1962. Sister Teresa dedicated her life to the mission within the Church and the Dominican Institute. Her ministry included serving as coordinator of the school dormitory at Taipei Jingxiu Girls' High School, as well as serving as catechist at the adjacent Immaculate Conception Cathedral, spiritual director of the Dominican Laity at St. Dominic Church Jilin Lou, and at the Taipei Dominican International School, Tainan Chongai Hospital, Pingtung Santimen Girls' Town, and Kaohsiung Dominican International School. Throughout her various assignments, she embraced each role with dedication and a joyful spirit, sharing the Gospel with both those within the Church and the wider community. Known for her kindness and enthusiasm, Sister Teresa persevered in her ministry with unwavering faith, trusting in the guidance of God and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A funeral mass and farewell ceremony will be held at 3:30 PM on Saturday, January 18, at Jingxiu Convent, No. 239 Minsheng West Road, Taipei City. Following the service, her remains will be interred at 9:00 AM on Sunday, January 19, at the Dominican Sisters Columbarium at the Catholic Cemetery in Kaohsiung. The Dominican Sisters invite all brothers and sisters in Christ, priests, and religious to join us in prayer for the repose of Sister Teresa’s soul. May she rest in eternal peace in the loving embrace of our merciful God. |