Closing of the Provincial Chapter with a Thanksgiving Mass
celebrated on February 26, 2021
The Acts of the Chapter will be submitted to the General Council for approval.
Chinese New Year Break February 5 to 20
The Chapter Assembly will return on February 22,2021 to finalize the ACTS of the Chapter.
The Chapter Assembly will return on February 22,2021 to finalize the ACTS of the Chapter.
On the 4th of February the following Sisters were elected as Provincial Councilors.
Their election was confirmed by the General Council on the 5th of February.
Sor Cecilia Hsu
Sor Flordeliza Ordonez
Sor Evelyn Quidoles
Sor Incarnata Chen
Provincial Econome - Sor Susana Predas
Provincial Secretary - Sor Daniela Pang
Their election was confirmed by the General Council on the 5th of February.
Sor Cecilia Hsu
Sor Flordeliza Ordonez
Sor Evelyn Quidoles
Sor Incarnata Chen
Provincial Econome - Sor Susana Predas
Provincial Secretary - Sor Daniela Pang
On February 3 the chapter delegates elected Sr. Teresita Su,OP. as the
17th Prioess Provincial of the Province of St. Vincent Ferrer.
Her election was confirmed by the Prioress General and her Council.
On the 4th of February, 2021, Sr. Teresita took her oath of office.
17th Prioess Provincial of the Province of St. Vincent Ferrer.
Her election was confirmed by the Prioress General and her Council.
On the 4th of February, 2021, Sr. Teresita took her oath of office.
The Plenary Assembly
The delegates are in full attendance to discuss, deliberate and approve the proposals of the 4 commisions:
Life of the Sisters, Promotion of Vocation and Formation, Apostolate, Government and Administration
The delegates are in full attendance to discuss, deliberate and approve the proposals of the 4 commisions:
Life of the Sisters, Promotion of Vocation and Formation, Apostolate, Government and Administration
January 30,2021
The Chapter delegates went on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Holy House of Loreto in Touwu, Miaoli where the Eucharist was celebrated entrusting the future of the Province, the needs of the Sisters in Taiwan, Guam and in the Mission of N. S. del Rosario to the black Madonna of Loreto. The sisters brought bouquets of roses representing the three regions under the Province and each rose representing each of the sisters. After a simple bento lunch, time was given to satisfy each sisters' devotion with moments of prayer and petition inside the replica of the Holy House.
The Chapter delegates went on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Holy House of Loreto in Touwu, Miaoli where the Eucharist was celebrated entrusting the future of the Province, the needs of the Sisters in Taiwan, Guam and in the Mission of N. S. del Rosario to the black Madonna of Loreto. The sisters brought bouquets of roses representing the three regions under the Province and each rose representing each of the sisters. After a simple bento lunch, time was given to satisfy each sisters' devotion with moments of prayer and petition inside the replica of the Holy House.
January 21,2021
Day 1 Today is the first day of the XIV Provincial Chapter and the XVII elective chapter of the Province of Saint Vincent Ferrer of Taiwan. The day began with a solemn mass of the Holy Spirit presided by Fr. Jarvis who is also invited to accompany us in his role as assessor/ adviser for the chapter. During the homily, the main celebrant shared with us his brief reflection on the Easter apparition of the Risen Christ among his disciples on the evening of Easter. He not only proved to them that He has resurrected, bestowing on them the renewing breath of the Spirit but also entrusting to them the mission of being witnesses of His victory. It is with this same Spirit of life, which shall animate us to discern with prudence, respond with generosity, and take decisions with courage and making oneself as instruments of God in love and humility. As per tradition, the names of the sisters who had died during this triennium were mentioned by name during the mass. Those deceased sisters who had worked in the missions in Taiwan were also included in the memorial. The first session began at 9:30 in the morning after a brief prayer and silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. The Provincial Prioress presented her report on the state of the Province before the assembly. The sisters from Guam joined the assembly through livestream via ZOOM. The second session in the afternoon was dedicated to the reports of the different communities. In contrast from the previous chapters, the Provincial Prioress wanted that the respective prioresses of communities or their delegates be the ones who shall present the corresponding reports. The afternoon ended with all the communities and apostolic institutions reporting. |
21 enero, 2021
Es el primer dia del Capitulo Provincial. Comenzo el dia con una misa solemne del Espiritu Santo presidida por el P. Jarvis que nos acompañará a continuación como asesor del capitulo. Durante la homilía, el padre nos compartió una breve reflexión sobre la aparición del Resucitado entre sus discípulos en la noche de la pascua, otorgando a los suyos el Espiritu renovador and encomendándoles la misión de ser testigos de su victoria. Este mismo Espiritu de vida nos animara para discernir con prudencia, responder con generosidad, tomar decisiones con valentía y hacerse instrumentos de Dios en amor y la humildad. Según la tradición, los nombres de las hermanas fallecidas durante este trienio fueron mencionadas por nombre durante la santa misa. Así mismo las hermanas fallecidas que fueron asignadas o han trabajado en las misiones Formosanas fueron incluidas en la oración de la comunidad. La primera sesión comenzó a las 9 :30 de la mañana después de una breve oración y adoracion al santísimo. La Priora Provincial presentó su relato sobre el estado de la Provincia. Las hermanas de Guam asistió a la asamblea por medio de ZOOM. La segunda sesión por la tarde se dedica a los informes de las comunidades. En diferencia de los capítulos anteriores, la Priora Provincial ha querido que las prioras respectivas o las delegadas sean las que presentan los relatos correspondientes. Terminamos la sesión de la tarde con todas las casas y instituciones de la Provincia. |
January 18-20
Since the 18 January, the delegates had already come to the Provincial Headquarters in Taipei ( San Vicente Ferrer Convent-BIS) to have a three day retreat recollection under the direction of Fr. Jarvis Sy OP . For this chapter, he shared with us the theme of the Jubilee 2021: “From the table of Dominic” animating the delegates to celebrate this jubilee chapter in an ambience of true sisterly love, sharing the sufferings and joys of the mission and bearing the yoke of one another in the spirit of co- responsibility. He also made a brief reflection on the celebration of the chapter and the dynamics of electing superiors from the perspective of the Dominican life. 20 January, 2021 Pre-chapter Meeting The outgoing Provincial Prioress convoked the chapter delegates for a pre-chapter meeting after dinner to organize the smooth celebration of the Chapter. She appointed three examiners of the credential letters of the delegates and the secretaries of the three languages: English, Spanish and Chinese; as well as the announcement of the various working commissions of the Chapter. |
Enero 18-20
Desde el 18 de enero, las capitulares ya están reunidas en la Casa Provincial de Taipei con tres días de reflexión-recolleción a cargo del Fray Jarvis Sy OP que nos compartió sobre el tema del jubileo de 2021: “De la mesa de Domingo” animando a las hermanas y celebrar este capítulo jubilar en un ambiente de una verdadera hermandad, compartiendo las penas y gozos de la misión y llevando mutuamente los cargos penosos en un espíritu de co-responsabilidad. Hizo también una breve reflexión sobre la celebración del capitulo y las dinámicas de elección de superiores desde la perspectiva de la vida dominicana. 20 enero, 2021 Reunión precapitular La Priora Provincial saliente convoco las capitulares para la reunión precapitular después de la cena para organizar la fluida celebración del capítulo. Nombraron las tres revisoras de las cartas credenciales de las capitulares; y las secretarias más la distribución de las comisiones. |
Delegates to the 14th Provincial Chapter (17th elective)
By right: The Provincial Prioress and members of the Provincial Curia
CSVF, DIS Taipei, DIS Kaohsiung were eligible to elect 2 delegates from their community.
Group A Taishan and Sisters in China
Group B 3 communities in Guam
Sor Cecilia Hsu
Sor Rosario Chiu
Sor Socorro Teofilo
Sor Cristeta Espinosa
Sor Zenaida Ancheta
Sor Ursula Apacionado - via zoom
Sor Teresita Su
Sor Esperanza Seguban - via zoom
Sor Flordelisa Ordonez
Sor Corazon de Leon
Sor Anita Ong
Sor Teresita Lin - Sor Carolyn Terencio
Sor Cecilia Chan
Sor Inmaculada Chiang
Sor Susan Predas
Sor Daniela Pang
Sor Jean Bergado
By right: The Provincial Prioress and members of the Provincial Curia
CSVF, DIS Taipei, DIS Kaohsiung were eligible to elect 2 delegates from their community.
Group A Taishan and Sisters in China
Group B 3 communities in Guam
Sor Cecilia Hsu
Sor Rosario Chiu
Sor Socorro Teofilo
Sor Cristeta Espinosa
Sor Zenaida Ancheta
Sor Ursula Apacionado - via zoom
Sor Teresita Su
Sor Esperanza Seguban - via zoom
Sor Flordelisa Ordonez
Sor Corazon de Leon
Sor Anita Ong
Sor Teresita Lin - Sor Carolyn Terencio
Sor Cecilia Chan
Sor Inmaculada Chiang
Sor Susan Predas
Sor Daniela Pang
Sor Jean Bergado